Last Updated: March 25, 2024
The Communications Module is only available if the PDMP has it enabled.
If a clinician has sent you a message, it will be available in your inbox. To read and respond to a message, open the message by navigating to your Messages.
For additional information on accessing your inbox and Messages, please refer to the Accessing the Inbox help article.
At this time, the Patient Report will generate and the user will be automatically redirected to the Messages section of the Patient Report.
To respond to a message, click the clinicia's name, located in the From field of the message heading and the Message Creation window will display.
If multiple demographics exist for the patient, you must select the most recent and accurate demographic to ensure the message is attached to the correct patient record. If multiple demographics do not exist, skip this step. Type the response to the clinician in the Message field, then click Send.
The message is sent, and the clinician will be able to view it the next time they log in to PMP AWARxE.